NetGalley Reviewer

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10 Book Reviews

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Review: The Bride Test

The Bride Test The Bride Test by Helen Hoang
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Note: This is the second book in the series and can be read as a standalone. But if you want to understand the background of each character mentioned in this story, then reading the previous story would help. Thanks.

So this story. I was just so gosh darned excited for it.

I mean reading this was a dream come true in a way.

But oh god the many, many faults in this disaster...

Let me recount them.

1. The way his bride is selected - Which wacked out parent selects a bride in a bathroom? I just can't even. It's too hilarious to think about.

God if my mother ever found me a groom like this, I'd literally cut ties with my family.
And, she's such a controlling busybody. She's always deciding shit for him, like I get it, he's not exactly the average joe, but he's 26 years old. Trust him to have some brain for his own.

2. The "supposed" bride is actually a cleaner. Their rich as fuck family vs the poor as fuck cleaner family.

Now I don't care what everyone else thinks of love defies all. People are stupid to think that these differences don't matter, don't affect the rest of your married life. They do, god in so many ways, they influence how a person thinks, acts, behaves in a structured society. The fucking status difference kills your chance in living peacefully within society because of society pressures, and your own different ways of living.

3. The barely educated cleaner wed to a graduate businessman. Seriously, how can anyone support this? AGAIN, I DON'T FUCKING CARE, who thinks this is right. You've slaved away your whole life to be an educated, well oiled machine full of productivity, respect and class, and then suddenly, you're wed to someone who has none of the things that you literally SLAVED for. This is downright insulting and degrading as to not be able to be wed to someone who should be your match based on what they did in life, rather wed because you literally don't choose to have a love life at a young age, and your mother is a control freak.


4. The bride's mother agrees with her daughter's proposal and sends her off. What a gold digging mother, first of all. Second her daughter should go back to college (there is such a thing as a community college in america or wherever this stupid story is set) and then try to make herself better before deciding to go on stupid reckless ventures. And this family is a whole package of bad mistakes. The mother also dropped highschool as she got pregnant. The daughter, not coincidentally, also gets pregnant and dropped highschool.

SO many bad decisions are made, my head's literally left spinning.

And guess what, it never came back to reattach itself to my shoulders.

THat's how bad this book was.

The baddest decision made was the publishing of this book. I wish I had a chance to burn this book and tear it to pieces.

AND, if y'all dare to cuss me out on my own opinion, consider yourself haunted by me for the rest of your miserable life, or blocked.

Same thing.

PS: I would still like to try the third book in the series, releasing 2021, because I always like giving second chances to my favorite books.

Until the next read,


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