NetGalley Reviewer

Professional Reader
10 Book Reviews

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Review: The Emperor

The Emperor The Emperor by Erin Mc Luckie Moya
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Note: I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Note 2: This is a series. The first two books in the series are a duet. Please read in order -as previous characters do make cameos.

Trigger Warnings: violence, death, murder, underage sex mentioned, mention of drug use, illness mentioned, vegetational state mentioned. mention of Salem witch trials.

Just to catch you up on my opinion regarding the first book:

This time, the book's path is a bit different. It instead takes a more romantic, self-discovery, and steamy direction than the original content and action heavy first novel.

And I appreciated it. To a certain degree. But the endless s** scenes started boring me to tears, making me miss and wish for the last first book which was more content and action heavy.

I mean I loved Dimitri and Corinne's discovery, dance of mystery and how they get to know each other more and accept differences.

But did we really need at least 100 different ways of how Dimitri rocked her world and not in the sing song way?

No. This book could've been much more entertaining and shorter had a few of those scenes been cut out. Again like I said, this reminds me of a sarah j maas novel - either there is endless filler, or endless steamy scenes. People need to make up their minds.

Anyway, I still enjoyed being in both worlds: the bratva and the witchy wacky world. Plus the ending was something that made me look forward to the next book so yeah here I am - eagerly waiting for the next.

Hope its' better than this one.

Until the next read,


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