My rating:
5 of 5 stars Note: I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Trigger Warnings: mention of PTSD, past death of a family member, mention of past body shaming.
I absolutely enjoyed this book. It was riveting, exquisite and full speeding on romance, chemistry and emotional feels my heart was sure it could not contain.
Cole and Violet were complete opposites of each other, yet they fit each other so perfectly - in the way they understood each other's pain of sometimes being the rebel of the crowd, having to face their own issues involving their pasts, and forgiving themselves and other people for past mistakes made.
The emotional depth blew me away - Cole's issues were discussed so deeply and how he felt about them, and how he felt other people felt about his issues. Violet was also no different, having to make it out on her own and proving herself to people who either worried too much or were inching to take her down a peg or two because they felt she didn't belong and had cashed into an opportunity by sheer luck - her thoughts about it were often shared in depth as well.
Also I got quite an equestrian lesson myself - despite being afraid of horses (and people generally as well), I was quite sucked into learning about a jockey's daily activities and how they planned before a race every time. Also how they managed to keep up on the horse (hehe pun time), despite feeling insecure about a lot of things.
I loved the chemistry and romance as well, and how it took a lot of time to make them come together and realise just how perfect they were for each other, despite having to tackle some of their own issues they probably were too reluctant to face before.
The writing style was brilliant enough to keep me hooked in the entire time and never let go, just so invested and thoroughly curious I was left each time I read a chapter. The writing really tied in everything together quite well, and I am so glad I stuck around for the ride that was Cole and Violet.
Overall an amazing, emotionally depth-full and fiery novel by Elsie and I look forward to reading more by her.
Until the next read,
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